Facebook numerical code trick.

Today i'll tell you how can you impress your friends with this magical trick. This trick is very easy but you have to put some effort to make this trick working. So just follow these easy steps to understand this trick.

STEP 1.-
First of all open your facebook profile. Here you'll noticed that there is a some type of numeric id.

For eg :- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Im-not-perfect-but-Ill-do-my-best-for-you/286961744763598
            you can seen a 15 digit code on the address bar of the browser.then copy the numerical code.....
if you can't find the numerical code...
please go to this link
then change 'YOURNAME'
you can seen like this.....
   "id": "100003607206685",
"name": "Farsheel Rahman W\u00f8lveriNe\u017e",
"first_name": "Farsheel",
"middle_name": "Rahman",
"last_name": "W\u00f8lveriNe\u017e",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/farsheel",
"username": "farsheel",
"gender": "male",
"locale": "en_US"
the 'id' is your code...
STEP 2.-
Copy that numeric id, which i told you in step 1, now after coping that numeric id just fill it in the code given in step 3

STEP 3.-
@[numeric id:0]

STEP 4.-
I hope you have did your job till step 3, now just copy the whole code and paste it anywhere on facebook. This code automatically replaced with your profile link or your page link......!!!!

You can also play with your friends just make this code like this


and ask your friends to post it on their wall after removing + sign to see the magic.



Zodiac and Planet signs

Zodiac signs
♈ - Aries (The Ram)
♉ - Taurus (The bull)
♊ - Gemini (The Twins)
♋ - Cancer (The Crab)
♌ - Leo (The Lion)
♍ - Virgo (The Virgin)
♎ - Libra (The Scales)
♏ - Scorpio (The Scorpion)
♐ - Sagittarius (Centaur The Archer)
♑ - Capricorn (Goat-horned, The sea goat)
♒ - Aquarius (The water bearer)
♓ - Pisces (The fish)

☉ Sun, ☽ ☾ ● ◯ Moon, ☿ Mercury, ♀ Venus, ⊕ ♁ Earth, ♂ Mars, ♃ Jupiter, ♄ Saturn, ♅ Uranus, ♆ Neptune, ♇ Pluto, ⚳ Ceres. ☄ Comet. 

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